#56 Daechon Beach Mud Festival &
 Mt. Sokri National Park

Jul 15  08:00 Departure-K.E.B(Korea Exchange Bank) Kangnamyok subway
Sat                               station Exit No.6
 / Line No.2, Green color 
*Two stops at the Svc area en route

           12:00 Arrival at the Daechon Beach
                   Free at leisure at the beach or enjoy the
Mud Festival event
                   including Mud Massage, Mud Pool, Mud Body Painting, Mud
                   Game, etc...
Daechon Beach1 Daechon Beach2 

           18:00 Departure for Taejeon

           19:30 Dinner (Beef Bulgogi Barbecue)

           20:30 Accommodation at the Spapia Hotel (First class)

Jul 16  07:00 American breakfast at the hotel
           08:00 Transfer to
Mt. Sokri National Park

           10:00 Tour of the Sculpture park

           10:30 Tour of the Bupjusa temple (553 AD) including tallest bronze
                   Buddha statue (33m hight, 160 ton weight), Palsangjeon shrine,
stone lantern and main shrine, etc...

           13:00 Lunch

           14:00 Stop at the Chosun Dynasty officer pine tree

           14:30 Departure for Seoul

           18:30 Arrival at Seoul
http : //www.parandeul.co.kr                E-mail : sun@parandeul.co.kr

Fax : (02)3705-2300                            Tel      : (02)3705-2204

Payment : KOREA EXCHANGE BANK ACCT #027-13-49151-1

Fee/Person : \139,000(DBL), 129,000(3PAX), 119,000(4PAX). 169,000(SGL)

*10% DC for children, students(including graduates) and who have joined Parandeul
  culture tours in the past