The scholar Wang-in carried to Japan the Thousand-Character
Classic and the Analects of Confucius, music, and other branches
of the advanced knowledge and culture developed in the Baekje Kingdom.
His scholarly attainments became the seeds that bloomed in Japan's
Asuka culture. This festival is held around the great scholar's
birthplace to pay honor to him.
After a memorial rite, there is a masquerade procession depicting
his crossing to Japan, an open-air drama. The Sprit of Wang-in,
and other events associated with him.
Events |
Experience dopoje tug-of-war, 250-step thousand-characters text
contest, revival of Baekje ssireum wrestling, memorial rite
for Doctor Wang-in, inquiry course for Wang-in's "path
of learning", Wang-in look-alike contest, exhibition of
Asuka culture