Folklore & Natural History Museum


 The Folklore and Natural History Museum is a must see. If you walk only 100 meters east of Samseonghyeol, you'll get to the museum. It is a great place to visit as the traditional lifestyle of Jeju islanders is revived vividly in it. At the entrance, you'll notice the roof of the museum is exactly like the traditional thatched houses of Jeju.

 If you enter the museum through the outdoor square, you'll see big marine animals. On the right of the porch is an exhibition hall of natural history where the story of Jeju's formation and its local flora and fauna are displayed. The exhibition hall of animals, where stuffed insects and birds are displayed, is very popular among children. Children are excited to hear the songs of insects such as crickets, long-horned grasshoppers and cicadas by pressing the different bells in the hall. In the exhibition hall of folklore, all of Jeju's traditional customs and folklore relics are collected and here one can experience the traces of Jeju's ancestors. Traditional thatched houses, Tawoo (wooden boats) and authentic sharman are revived as they once looked. In addition, traditional working garments of Jeju such as Galjungi and Galjeoksam, agricultural tools and a variety of other implements used by Haenyeos (female divers) are well kept in this exhibition hall. There is an audio-visual room as well.