Kukkiwon ( World Taekwondo
Headquarter )
The Secretariat
of the World Taekwondo Federation is in the Kukkiwon
building. The Kukkiwon, World Taekwondo Headquarters,
is located atop the hillside in Kangnam District

Seoul, Korea just five minutes walk from the intersection
of the Kangnam Subway Station.
This Building with beautiful original Korean style roof
was constructed in 1972 to house Taekowndo related organizations
and to provide Taekowndo practitioners and contestants
with morder facilities for training and contestants
with modern facilities for training and competitions
of Taekwondo. |
Construction of the Kukkiwon, a million dollar
project, began on November 9, 1971. The first and only
gymnasium of its kind in the word was inaugurated on
November 30, 1972 with many sports leaders and social
celibrities attending. The completion of the Kukkiwon
building was possible by the sole and devoted effort
of Dr. Un yong Kim, President of the Word Taekwondo
Federation and then President of the Korea Taekwondo
Association. |

facilities of the Kuukiwon are equipped with modern
devices and have provided an ideal arena for training
and competitions such as the 1st and the 2nd World Taekwondo
Championships, the 1st Asian Taekwondo Championships
and other Korean national contests as well as the 1st
and the 2nd International Referee seminars, Instructor
Seminars and various Taekwondo demonstrations. Coaches
and students from many countries were trained here.
Kukkiwon completed its registration with the government
of the Republic of Korea as a juridical foundation on
July 7, 1974, electing Dr. Un Yong Kim as its president.
Besides serving as an arena for Taekwondo training and
competitions, the Kukkiwon conducts Dan promotion tests
and issues certificates to Taekwondo students of all
member national associations of the World Taekwondo
The Memorial Museum which opened on November 30, 1991
made the Kukkiwon the center of the Taekowndo culture
by showing the history of Taekowndo and various Taekwondo
related materials to visitors.
The Kukkiwon
accomodates :
Boarding room
Two lecture rooms
Three locker rooms
Two shower rooms
Medical room
Computer room
Two management offices
Seven office rooms
Pavilion (Palgak-jong)
Five rest rooms
Guard house