Mt. Maisan comprises two horse-ear("Mai")
 -shaped peaks between the Sobaek and   Noryong Mountain Ranges. The peak in the   east is called the "male" Maibong and the   one in the west the "female" Maibong.
  They are 667 meters and 673 meters high,   respectively. The mountain is the watershed   of the Somjin-gang and Kumgang Rivers and   Is mostly rocky with some bushes. Both   coniferous and deciduous trees grow here.   The mountain is also dotted with temples and   hermitages such as T'apsa, Kumdangsa, and   Kogumdang, as well as a cave, Hwaamgul.   On the south slope between the two peaks   are dozens of "T'apsas," or pagodas set up   with small stones.